JETgrit is a synthetic oxide abrasive with high density and angular shape, designed for efficient removal of paint, rust, and scale from steel surfaces, while providing a superior anchor pattern. JETgrit® offers 50% faster cleaning speed and requires 50% less abrasive. Unlike our METgrain and METgrit steel grit, which can be recycled hundreds of times, JETgrit, considered a one-use abrasive, should be recycled only a few times to maintain its effectiveness.

JETgrit's composition of hard, irregular-shaped particles maximizes the efficiency of blast cleaning for removing paint, rust, and mill scale, resulting in a cleaner surface with fast cleaning and lower cost. JETgrit® meets the standards of SSPC AB-1 and California Air Resources Board (CARB), ensuring its quality and safety for use.


Physical and Chemical Properties:

steel grit vs aluminum oxide
stainless steel grit blasting

Bulk Density: 160lbs/cu ft

Less than 0.1% Free Silica:  "Free silica" includes amorphous silica and the crystalline forms that are not chemically combined with any other elements. Silica that is not "free" is chemically bound in another compound. In this material, the element silicon is present in the form of silicate compounds and is not in the form of a compound consisting of SiO2 as implied by the analytical data.

Heavy Metals:  Jetgrit® falls below the EPA threshold for the following heavy elements:  As, Ba, Cd, Cr, Pb, Hg, Se, Ag, Nitrate. 

A Material Safety Data Sheet is available upon request.

Supporting documents

Product Data Sheet


Other sizes made upon request - Just ask!